Friend code 3DS and WII U (october 2024) - Looking for friends ✨

3DS CODE : 3667-3691-5955

I add everyone :sparkles:

Please use Wii U PNID Exchange! and 3DS Friend Code Exchange / looking for people to add.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: 3DS Friend Code Exchange / looking for people to add

i created this one bcuz a lot of friend codes are not working and obsolete

Are you currently connected to Pretendo Network? I believe there were some issues in the past with people posting their Nintendo Network friend codes accidentally.

yup im on pretendo and yes i think some users send nintendo network accounts :sweat_smile:

Hmm, it might be nice to have a bot or something here that validates the friend codes…


Please use the dedicated 3DS and Wii U friend code exchanges, we can’t do a lot if they’re not valid.