Wii U PNID Exchange!

Since there is a forum for 3DS friend code exchanging, why not make one for Wii U as well?
To start off, my PNID is PizzaPizza72. Feel free to add me. I will accept the requests whenever I boot up my Wii U again.

Looking for friends in a specific game?

PNID Exchanges for specific games are available which may make it easier to find friends.

Looking to share IDs and other creative work in Wii U games?

Exchanges for specific games are available which allow you to share your creative work in various Wii U games and find some new creative work to use or play with (sorry that’s very vague, best I could come up with).


Interesting I create a new account for pretendo.

Cool idea. I just heard about this and created one. Free free to add!

PNID: Nix_99

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Add me My PNID anton2024 nix we can be friends forever


My PNID is HudsonPH. Feel free to add me!

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my PNID is chipert22

For me to add me again and send me friend request

My PNID is tyrex1

Here’s my PNID: That1Adam

Add my PNID Anton2024 Adam

Here’s my pnid: mynamejoel
add me =D

Here’s mine!


Mine’s PropellerToadXD Fell Free To Add Mii!! :grin:

My username is JediLMS890 so you might get some friend requests from me, feel free to add me tho

Mine is TypicalG1, I went ahead and tried to add as many as I could here!!

Is anyone interested in adding me on the Wii U? I’m fairly sure I have 0 friends currently on both Wii U and 3DS (I don’t particularly want 3DS friends right now because I don’t want StreetPass Relay notifications).

I’m playing Mario Kart 8 right now (with both DLC packs) and I also have Splatoon and Super Mario Maker (plus Smash for Wii U but I’m not a tester). I don’t play that often currently.

my pnid is aaronposting (as you can tell)

My PNID is 657462 :slight_smile:

Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve made a reply, or checked here, but since the last time I was here, I GOT A WIIU! Which is why I’m here. My PNID is: BloodSlayer

Add me!!!

heyy, im new whit Pretendo i just got it on my WiiU (i play longer on the wiiu since 2018)

Im searching for friends who play the same games i have
[ Minecraft, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros ]

i usually hang on Minecraft since its my favorite game and i used to play it when i was a child.
(Minecraft :on::top:)

but ofc ill talk about me who i am,
My name is Vanessa im a female and i life in germany and speak German but thats no problem i understand english well afterall. im a very funny, well understanding, supporting and friendly person i would love to spend my time to play whit someone!

it would be cool if some people have interest on this text or i learn more about Pretendo
thats all and Thanks for reading i hope i get a response :heart:

else have a great night / day !