Wii U PNID Exchange!

Hello, I mainly play Splatoon and MK8 on Wii U and will occasionally host lobbies on both games and maybe Smash Bros soon. I’m not the best a splatoon but don’t go easy on me so I can improve at the game.


I play
[ Minecraft Wii U Edition, Super Mario Maker ].

I play Super Mario Maker more than Minecraft.

PNID: adev531

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add me: HondaS2000, I play mariokart 8 and minecraft

Looking forward to more games back online.
My PNID: Octotraveler

I use Wii U and are looking for friends to talk to! My ID is TRJax_xTR. I just got a Wii U this month so I’m still getting more games :slight_smile:

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I apologize for not accepting the majority of friend requests I have received.
I sort of stopped using my Wii U when I made this topic.
I’ve returned to Pretendo so I will be accepting friend requests again.
PNID: PizzaPizza72

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Wii U PNID: nate_0917x
Feel free to add me. I mainly play Splatoon & other games

PNID: whistler2000
I play minecraft, mk8 and some others that dont have online play

PNID: MetroidTalon

Just got it setup on Wii U for first time


Looking for people to play Splatoon with! Add me! My username here is the same as on my WiiU.

mine’s loribunny! i play many things and i love buying new games so ill buy whatever

Thanks for referring to me with The MK8 Link ;D

I added a lot of you whose post is 5 days or younger!

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hey besties wanna be my wii u frien? :DD (i need splatoon friends) my pnid is SHAQUISHO83

Hello, my pnid is Douli06. Please add me to play Minecraft mini games !

Alright I added you Douli


hi umm new here and like i say i use a sdcafiine to add mod and one his i need friend to play solo and i want to see maps that ave3 been mods

also sorry if u cant understand me im dixlesque autisome and ave adhd

my code his bunnybunuwu if u want to add me

Give me id level for super Mario maker , please?
If you want!!!

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My PNID is “XPNGamer” if any of y’all want to friend me :slight_smile:

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My PNID: Derheim in case anyone wants to add me :smiley:

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