3DS Friend Code Exchange / looking for people to add

In order to keep the friend codes listed here fresh, we automatically remove replies that are older than 2 weeks old. If you’re still looking for friends, just repost your friend code again! Learn more at Auto-deleting old replies in 3DS friend code exchange.

This change doesn’t currently apply to any other friend code exchange.

Looking for some people to add on Wii U and 3DS, if you added me on 3DS please let me know your code so I can add you back!

My Wii U PNID is Asomn360, and my 3DS code is 4656-5509-8094.

[moderator note: please only share Pretendo Network friend codes]

Looking for friends in a specific game?

Friend code exchanges for specific games are available, which may make it easier to find friends.

Looking to share IDs and other creative work in 3DS games?

Exchanges for specific games are available which allow you to share your creative work in various 3DS games and find some new creative work to use or play with (sorry that’s very vague, best I could come up with).


Posting for the second time, my friend code is 5257-4311-9959

I’ve added you, my FC: 2208-3535-0765

From Japan
My friend code is 2549-7296-4087. I often play Kid Icarus Uprising on pretendo and will play that too when SSB4 is released to the public.


I added you. add me 2588 2924 9061

Hello guys, please add me 4613 2315 7479

Hey guys! My code is 1002-9711-4639. @PiVo3aVr_Boi @dehydratedlemur @ippankodasure @Holorum @Grovyle3500 I added you all.

@DVI117 @3DSisthebest I added you guys too.

Hello my fc is 2975-7687-8721 i mainly play yo-kai watch

i added you!! my friend code: 1474-0702-9014

i added you!! my friend code is 1474-0702-9014

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Added (i have a tip on the limit of 20 letters you need to do this < and then type no spaces the word small and then > do that multiple times and i should work )


reposting my friend code so i can befriend even more people! My FC is: 0058-9449-8678

My Code is 0783 - 3478 - 6329
added @AnnaTartine @AJJ_JJ @erixsrevenge

Hey add me with this code :slight_smile: 2118-1706-2004

added! 0526-2961-1980
I think you can exclude the “-pretendo” bit from my name

@axitus @erixsrevenge @Fire_Bee12 @Gutted0utVia @rduppydup

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@ippankodasure @PiVo3aVr_Boi @rduppydup @Gutted0utVia @lagman12 @CDOG956-pretendo
Added. My code is 1175 3214 8247
If anyone wants to add me feel free to @ me

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This is my fc for my 2ds

Trying out all the things rn! My friend code is 5171-3529-1063