Hi! I'm Milk_Cool. And here are some projects I made related to Pretendo!

Hi! I’m Milk_Cool, a young programmer that also loves Nintendo. And as Pretendo is getting bigger and bigger, I thought “Why not make something for it?”. And make something I did (i hope this doesn’t sound weird lol). Here are four projects that I’ve been working on!

I could not post multiple links, so click here to check out my projects!

  1. PretendoLookup, a website that serves as an archive of Juxtaposition posts. The main feature of it is that you can search for users and posts which you can’t do on vanilla Juxt. It also shows your pretendollars balance as well as some Mii data (including the console it was made on, the creator name, console information such as its MAC address, etc.). And did I tell you that it has reverse image search? This is probably the biggest Pretendo-related project I’ve made so far.
  2. PretendoClients, a fork of NintendoClients that allows you to communicate with Pretendo servers. This can be used in automation, for example, to post daily cat pictures on Juxt (don’t actually do that, that’s bannable I think).
  3. PretendoStatus, a website that updates every 5 minutes and shows you the current status of the Pretendo Network, meant to replace the UptimeRobot-based one. This relies on PretendoClients to connect to Pretendo servers.
  4. Bandwidth Assistant, a Discord bot that detects Mario Kart cheaters and searches for Juxt source whenever an image is posted. Currently I’m not planning to host it for everyone, but if you wanna try it – the source code is available for everyone!

And that’s it! Hope you enjoyed my little funny silly projects! :slight_smile:


This is actually a huge W


Looks cool!

The issues about posting links are probably due to your current Trust Level btw, you should be fine once you level up.

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Knew about two of your projects, the unoficial status page and Juxt Lookup, but didn’t knew about the other. That’s great !

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Bro thx alot,maybe a mod should move you to a more trust level so you can send links

Still waiting for the ability to edit my pinned post in General again :joy:

Hello MilkCool, I just used your Juxt archive website and I really like how you made it. I was able to find my posts easily as well. I really like how you also made the other tools for people to use, especially the Bandwidth bot. I wish you the best!


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These look really interesting! It’s super cool to see developers outside the team working on projects for Pretendo.


Oh really? How come?

0 yeahs? And why didn’t you wait until December to post this?

Because of default Discourse settings around editing posts a certain amount of time after being posted.

I see. Kind of like on Fandom, and how one’s own posts cannot be edited after a while.

That message is a literal comment within a parent post.

??? What do you even mean?

I mean that I went to a post of Santa Claus and then commented on it, it’s elementary, dear.

Does PretendoClients fix the issue with Juxt giving a bad gateway error? if you know.

I’ve been dealing with this for a while, so if you know, i’d appreciate any help.

Pretendo/NintendoClients is for NEX game servers. It has nothing to do with Juxtaposition/Miiverse.

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Ah, ok. Thanks! (20 characters)

This is extremely cool! Found a few Juxt posts I liked! (Your website gave me an intrest in art academy! I wonder if it’s a really nice art application even by today’s standards?) :smile: