Hi! I'm Milk_Cool. And here are some projects I made related to Pretendo!

It might be.
(Curse this dumb character limit!!!)

Well, ok.
(character limit etc etc)

Is PretendoStatus supposed to be down? It doesn’t seem to be working for me.

The PretendoLookup tool is proving really handy for me lately, as it’s allowed me to do some research.

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Also, would you ever consider being able to search for users via PNID more quickly on PretendoLookup? I was using it earlier for a potential issue regarding the forums (I am not going to share any more information than this, it is resolved from what I can tell but I still wish to keep this private) and I was attempting to search for a PNID which doesn’t show up there but it exists.

Like, it would be nice if you could just do https://pretendolookup.milkcool.ru/users?search=@GamersInternatio

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I think PretendoLookup can only search users who have a profile on Juxt? Correct me if I’m wrong though.

The account I created earlier showed up after creating it though, and I did it through the website (haven’t signed in on Wii U etc although it does say that I created it on a Wii U apparently).

Interestingly, it says the Mii was created in 2022 or something like that (it would make sense since literally everything is set to default).

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When milkcool stated his project, the PretendoLookup, “serves as an archive of Juxtaposition posts,” are the “archived” Juxtaposition permanent? Will they live long after the end of this public beta?

Public beta? I thought it was open indefinitely.

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