i m planing to join beta tester for this game, i have never play it online, i started after the nintendo shutdown , i love that game and i cant wait trying the multiplayer hunt,
here us my friend code to any one interested in mh4u or triforce .
i won’t be joining the beta testers, but i’m waiting to see when the online mode will be available for everyone again, so here’s mine:
My Friendcode: 3066-1402-3791
My Mii Name: Shadow8
Looking forward to playing with people on this game again! Made a new character and I’m currently HR 3, just beat Shagaru in village story. Here’s my friend code:
I just bought the physical copy of the game and I’m ready to start playing it for the first time. Hopefully I’m able to go to HIgh Rank or G Rank until online services is up. Already added the friend codes above so here’s mine
Hello, same here, i’ll probably won’t join the beta but i’ll be happy to play mh4 in future, i had it on my psp, i’d like to enjoy on 3ds also
here: 1346-2087-5630
(don’t ask about my mii avatar, i was just lazy…)
Hey! same here. I currently hit HR 7 and i’m just waiting for the online servers to open.
Mii name: Bonk
Hunter Name: Doodle
Friend Code: 3237-9413-2925