Friend Code Exchange for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

i m planing to join beta tester for this game, i have never play it online, i started after the nintendo shutdown , i love that game and i cant wait trying the multiplayer hunt,

here us my friend code to any one interested in mh4u or triforce .


I’m so happy that they’re working on this game! I can’t wait to be able to play MH4U online again. Here is my friend code. Happy hunting!


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i ll add you as soon as i am home :slight_smile:

i won’t be joining the beta testers, but i’m waiting to see when the online mode will be available for everyone again, so here’s mine:
My Friendcode: 3066-1402-3791
My Mii Name: Shadow8


I added you JoJo :slight_smile:

An error occurred: Body is too short (minimum is 20 characters) :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

i added all of you, i hope you add me back , bc you appear as not confirmed yet, in friend list

Thanks, I just added you too :+1:t5:

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I just added you back. I was receiving an error code when I tried yesterday, but it seems to be working today.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Does anyone have information about mh4u online?

Looking forward to playing with people on this game again! Made a new character and I’m currently HR 3, just beat Shagaru in village story. Here’s my friend code:


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I just bought the physical copy of the game and I’m ready to start playing it for the first time. Hopefully I’m able to go to HIgh Rank or G Rank until online services is up. Already added the friend codes above so here’s mine

Friend Code : 4526-9454-6621
Mii Name : Kamaru

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Hello! I can play with you, my ID is 172932016191

Hello, same here, i’ll probably won’t join the beta but i’ll be happy to play mh4 in future, i had it on my psp, i’d like to enjoy on 3ds also
here: 1346-2087-5630
(don’t ask about my mii avatar, i was just lazy…)

i added you, User is Bonk

Friend Code: 3237-9413-2925

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Hey! same here. I currently hit HR 7 and i’m just waiting for the online servers to open.
Mii name: Bonk
Hunter Name: Doodle
Friend Code: 3237-9413-2925