Looking for friends to play with in Mario Kart 7? Use this friend code exchange to share Pretendo Network friend codes (do not share Nintendo friend codes).
1177-4623-8774 is my fc
mine’s 0225-2287-7542
i frended you will see my mii there
On rare occasions, peoples’ friend codes actually work! Yours did, for example.
4909-4426-5068 lmk if u add me
3020-0837-7319 I would also be added.
Ich freue migh über viele anftagen code 3494 3399 9359 Spiel name ist ASHKetchum wird genauso geschrieben Liebe Grüße
Who streetpassed me lol
My friend code is (5428-1866-8277)pls add
Ich hebe dich hinzugefügt bitee füge mich auch hin zu
How do i add you back whats your friend code?
Here’s mine: 1775-4771-5723
Added you, @callmeabdul, and @timmytheterror.
Added you and @toasty_polygon to my friends list!
Im charging my 3ds rn but thankvyou
Mine : 1048 - 7587 - 4077 pls tag me with yours if you’ve add me @
Added you to my friends list. Here’s my friend code:
I’ve added most of you guys, plz add me back…?
FC: 1974-0440-1854
My fc is 2459-6388-9644
Tell me if you add me
My código es 2459-6388-9644
Avisen si me añaden