Looking for friends to play with in Mario Kart 7? Use this friend code exchange to share Pretendo Network friend codes (do not share Nintendo friend codes).
1177-4623-8774 is my fc
mine’s 0225-2287-7542
i frended you will see my mii there
On rare occasions, peoples’ friend codes actually work! Yours did, for example.
4909-4426-5068 lmk if u add me
3020-0837-7319 I would also be added.
To clarify, I originally created this Forum topic for users to coordinate times when they could meet in MK7 en mass, or publicly online using the matchmaking service, not to specifically add friends.
But if you want to add friends and just hold the games 1v1, I guess that’s what you mean it to be…
Ich freue migh über viele anftagen code 3494 3399 9359 Spiel name ist ASHKetchum wird genauso geschrieben Liebe Grüße