Friend Code Exchange for Fantasy Life

Fantasy Life for the 3ds unfortunately has the function that you can only play online coop with people from your friends list (up to 3 player online coop).
So if person A creates a room, person B can only join if they have added each other as friends.

If pretendo has the possibility to change this so that you can also see and join rooms of people you don’t have as friends, that would be really great!

I created This Topic(/post idk… im new here :grin:) for people who play Fantasy Life most of the time/often/on and off to exchange their friend codes so that when Pretendo finally has Fantasy Life in development/finished you can play together. Until then I’m waiting for them to finish the online mode of MH4U.

My Friendcode: 3066-1402-3791
My Mii Name: Shadow8

I’m going to add you! I play often, trying to get God/Creator in all the Lives
I’m Danny
Pretendo FC: 2422-4512-2362

I just started playing this week. Added you both.
My code is: 2718-0120-8178