I have to hurry…
He came from an in-universe Pokémon Trainer - some dude called Cliff.
Today is the birthday of Dan’s Eevee! I might evolve him (the Eevee) into a Vaporeon once he’s level 30.
Ooh happy birthday eevee
Well, thank you, but it’s already Makuhita and Corphish’s birthdays.
UGH. Just… ugh. I forgot Snorlax’s birthday (10 January) ENTIRELY, even though I kept meaning to post it on here. Just like how I forgot Articuno’s birthday back in August last year. If you were expecting something from me, then here. Look at these Snoms I found on Imgur.
Good perseverance. (20 character limit)
Er… yes… that’s his nature…?
Yeah i know it’s just funny to me because it’s the longest text. I find really dumb and small things to be funny. Sorry…
Eh, that’s fine. It’s Miltank’s birthday now, anyway!
Hurry, hurry…
It’s the birthdays of two Pokémon who I can say with absolute 100% genuine confidence are not legitimate (hacked).
Meet Alakazam and ____________!
How do you even get nameless pokemon?
I told you, it was a hacked Pokémon. The Sceptile came from one “FunkyGamer26”. Actually, both of the hacked shiny Pokémon originally came from that one person.
Today’s the birthday of Henry Dixon’s* Gastly!