A very minor fun event! (Pokémon Birthdays)

I have to hurry…

He came from an in-universe Pokémon Trainer - some dude called Cliff.

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Today is the birthday of Dan’s Eevee! I might evolve it into a Vaporeon once it’s level 30.


Ooh happy birthday eevee

Well, thank you, but it’s already Makuhita and Corphish’s birthdays.

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UGH. Just… ugh. I forgot Snorlax’s birthday (10 January) ENTIRELY, even though I kept meaning to post it on here. Just like how I forgot Articuno’s birthday back in August last year. If you were expecting something from me, then here. Look at these Snoms I found on Imgur.

Dunno who the artist is though. I genuinely have no clue.

Today’s Conkeldurr’s birthday!

He came from another IRL person whose Trainer name is GOTEN.


Good perseverance. (20 character limit)

Er… yes… that’s his nature…?

Yeah i know it’s just funny to me because it’s the longest text. I find really dumb and small things to be funny. Sorry…

Eh, that’s fine. It’s Miltank’s birthday now, anyway!

Again, not mine, but in an hour, the Pokémon celebrating its birthday next WILL be one of mine. I mean, it is, but you get what I meant.

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Hurry, hurry…

The Amaura’s mine, but the Tauros isn’t.

It’s the birthdays of two Pokémon who I can say with absolute 100% genuine confidence are not legitimate (hacked).

Meet Alakazam and ____________!

It’s a shame you can’t give new names to Pokémon that have been traded. I’d rename the Sceptile “Sir Nameless”.


How do you even get nameless pokemon?

I told you, it was a hacked Pokémon. It came from one “FunkyGamer26”.

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