A very minor fun event! (Pokémon Birthdays)

It’s Guppy the Gulpin’s birthday!

She’s not MY Gulpin, though. She’s one of the oldest Pokémon that I have on my console, because I sure as hell haven’t gotten any Pokémon dating back to 2010 or earlier.


Is there any chance these could be condensed into one thread? I get that you like to celebrate it, but the posts don’t generally get many replies and plus people are able to mute the threads more easily if they want to.

Just had a chat with another moderator and we both agreed that this should probably be condensed into one thread. I’m not going to touch the other threads you’ve already made, but please put anything related to Pokémon birthdays (which I’ve only just realised is the date you’ve caught them, I really don’t know a lot about the series) in this thread.

If you make any further threads with similar content, I will move them over to here.

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Hmm. I see. I didn’t know that they were annoying.

Just had a chat with another moderator and we both agreed that this should probably be condensed into one thread.

Awww! :frowning:

I’m not going to touch the other threads you’ve already made


which I’ve only just realised is the date you’ve caught them

Well, some of them aren’t mine, and some have egg birthdays that are often different from their real ones.

If you make any further threads with similar content, I will move them over to here.

I make separate posts because I want to make sure they’re posted on the exact date of the Pokémon’s actual birthday or egg birthday.

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Change the title if that’s necessary.

It just declutters the forum a bit that’s all :grin:

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I’ll try and do some of the things you suggested. Thanks!


Ok, so…

It’s Qurtel the German Torkoal’s birthday!

He’s not mine, but he DOES have a cool name.

Well, I can and I will!!!

Pokémon birthday posting is BACK, Pretendoooooooo!!!
(just imagine this in extremely large text)

It’s Bagon’s egg birthday!!! Her real birthday is also the day of my school formal. A special graduation for all the Year 12s in my school!
24/9/2024 edit: The party is actually tomorrow, 25/9/2024.

Note: the reason why I do separate birthday posts is so that people can post separate comments on the actual day of the Pokémon’s birthday. And to those nosy post-lockers and thread-movers (you know who you are) who are lying in wait for me to post this… To that I say, “Gloom! Use Stun Spore!”

@darknerjester42 please DO NOT make separate threads. People can still reply to a specific birthday in this thread.

It’s creating more clutter honestly. I am not locking your posts because you’re not breaking any rules but I’m just moving them to reduce clutter.


*Gloom used Stun Spore!
*It’s not very effective…

(ok, ok, I get it. I’m sorry.)


Remember my female Bagon from the 27th of August?
Yeah, that was just her egg birthday.

Today’s her REAL birthday! And today’s my school graduation day!

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Today’s Panpour’s birthday!

PLEASE don’t ask about the name. I’m begging you, PLEASE. I got it in a trade during that big week in early April (you all know the one), and I also can’t remember which Pokémon I gave the person whose Panpour it originally was.

He’s level 24 now, but these were pictures I took MUCH earlier this morning.

And today, the 30th and final day of September, is the birthday of this Ralts!

A majority of these Pokémon I’m birthday-posting about have come from all the trading I did all the way back in early April.

Oh, did I say Ralts? Sorry, I meant Kirlia.

Quite a fair number of the Pokemon I got in various trades have October birthdays, so expect to see me here a lot during October!

Very late posting this, but today is Hippowdon’s birthday - one of my own party members too, at that!

I named her after the purple peppy hippo in Animal Crossing who hasn’t come back yet.

Today’s Leafeon’s birthday!

His birthday’s in the spring in the Southern Hemisphere, and coincidentally, Leafeon just LOOKS like an embodiment of spring as well.

Today’s Snivy’s birthday! He’s another one of the Pokémon that I have that is:

An embodiment of spring
From someone else during The Great Pokemon Mass-Trading of April 2024
Male (though this probably doesn’t count)
A Grass-type (again, possibly just a coincidence)

Oh-oh-oh yeah, for it’s Snivy’s birthdayyy…
Dun-da-dun-da WOO-HOOO!!!

Whoops, that was a mistake. I meant to say Servine.

But everything I said previously still applies to him!