502 Bad Gateway Error (Miiverse)

I’m trying to open Miiverse rn, and I’m getting a 502 bad gateway error. Any fixes?

Edit: Never mind, just searched up, it’s just traffic.

Edit-Edit: While it may just be traffic, I still have this issue after waiting a bit. So, in that regard, any help?

I’ve been trying for days and still have this issue. Glad to know it’s just traffic and not something else though. I guess I just have to keep trying

Ive been trying on multible wifis, and nothing, so, im starting to think, it may not just be traffic.

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Yeah, I did some more research, it could be a number of things other than traffic, it seems that the general census is that it’s a server error and doesn’t have much to do with the user

They really outta fix it then. Thanks. Imma make this the sol for now.

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No problem, guess we’ll just have to wait and hopefully it’ll fix itself or pretendo will fix it. It’s kind of funny for me though, because I just modded my 3DS a few days ago. The 1. reason I did it was so I could access miiverse and it doesn’t even work​:skull::laughing:. Everything else is working though, besides the fact that all my 3DS badges got deleted​:dotted_line_face: I was not aware that would happen.(at least I can download custom ones and make my own ones) But yeah, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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Ig (20 characters rerequired)

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I got miiverse to work. Try updating Luma and nimbus, even if you’re one the current version, redownload it via universal updater

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Got it. Thanks! (20 characters)

I’ve redownloaded both, and made sure it was the the right versions (latest versions), and I’m still receiving the error. :frowning:

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Try redownloading rverse

I COMPLETELY removed rverse from my device. When done so, you are asked to go to a site, when visiting Miiverse. It states the page cannot be trusted, then gives an all zero error. This is how i found out, Pretendo’s Juxtaposition does NOT work without rverse installed. I then reinstalled, and it still did not work.

Well crap, I don’t know what else to tell you. I may have just gotten lucky, IDK. This totally sucks through

Yeah man, and, mods started to mark my stuff as spam too. I just want help with this issue. I just wanna use Miiverse, cause, i never got to when i was younger.

Me neither, I got my 3DS 3 years after miiverse servers went down.

Sorry abt that. :frowning: (20 characters)


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Yeah, that’s the same error I got

I have 2 last tips for you, go back into the pretendo app and reselect their servers, if your sd card is higher than 32 gb, format your sd card into FAT 32 and then reinstall nimbus, pretendo, and rverse.

If that doesn’t work, you’ll just have to wait it out I guess

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