502 Bad Gateway Error (Miiverse)

But what of my saved data, games, and all else? I’ve also already just re-selecting Pretendo’s severs. Even switching between Nintendo’s and Pretendo’s.

So, i checked. My card is 29.80 gigs of space. Confused, and wanted to check, i added the CTRNand, TWLNand,
and TWLPhoto to see if it surpasses 32 gigs. It didn’t. So, knowing this, do I still have to format my card? I really don’t want to.

I didn’t mean how much free space you have left, I meant how big your sd card was originally, it should say it on your sd card, I highly doubt it’ll do much anyway

32 gigs originally. (20 characters)

Yeah, you’re good (20 characters)

You have to remember, pretendo is a community based server. It is VERY far from perfect, I’m honestly impressed with some of the stuff they have now. Just cuz things work doesn’t mean they’re…usable. Mario Kart 7 takes an hour to load for me, sometimes you’ll find players, other times you won’t, it’s completely hit or miss and even then, the lobby is full of hackers and cheaters. Improvements will come. It could be anything that’s causing an error, It could be anything that’s making it go right. I just moved from Florida to South Carolina, I’m not saying that fixed it, but I’m also not saying it didn’t. Sometimes you just have to wait it out.


I understand that. Thanks for all your help.

You’re welcome, I hope it works out for you eventually

Thanks, man. (20 characters)

Even though the 2DS that I have now originally belonged to my brother, he got it on the 11th of June, 2018. I don’t think Miiverse existed then.

I FINALLY FIXED THE ISSUE!!! I switched from Luma3DS to StarLight3DS, with, in conscious mind, lose the ability to play a few games, am now able to use Miiverse, the extra features of StarLight, and, hopefully no longer have to deal with this issue. Imma try switching back to Luma to see if I can have the games I want to work, work, but, otherwise, it’s fixed now!

I have no idea what starlight even is😂, glad to know that it’s working though!

Miiverse shut down in 2017

StarLight is an alt firm if I’m not mistaken.

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Well, hope you have have fun in miiverse!

Thanks!!! (Character limit man)

Question, how do you yeah a post? I don’t see the option anywhere😆

On here or Miiverse?

Miiverse (character limit)

Click the heart on posts. As for on the website version, i have genuinely no idea, because, I’ve tried making posts, Yeah!-ing, and replying, but nothing worked.