What's everyone's general opinion of the StreetPass Mii Plaza salesbunny?

Personally, I find the rabbit to be quite cute, funny, helpful, and friendly!
(edit: I’m new to this whole poll system, so I don’t know how to make it so that people can vote on my post.)
–>[poll type=multiple results=always min=1 max=2 public=true chartType=bar]

  • A really good shopkeeper who didn’t deserve to be cut off from Nintendo!
  • Eh, quite nice.
  • Kinda sucks.
  • massive stupid dummy
    P.S. I did another version of this over at Reddit, on r/casualnintendo - here!

You sound like a NPC idk why

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What do you mean, “(post deleted by author)”?

It means he deleted his post. It shows that message for a period of time until it eventually gets deleted.

Well, what was the comment anyway?

Sorry, I was just testing creating a poll and accidentally sent the message instead of discarding it.


Option 1 for sure! He’s the best!

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I like the bunny very cute but it is sad we cant use the online service for the mini games ect :frowning:

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I just really regret not buying the games at all! Also, since my brother first had the 2DS, and he played Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon on it, I thought that StreetPass Trader involved trading Pokémon. I genuinely had no clue it was all about stocks and shares.

The funny thing is that they’re a very ambiguous-looking rabbit.

I see now.
(20 character thingy etc)