Welcome to Pretendo Network! 👋

This is a neat idea, though my email’s domain is “@invalid.com” for some reason here lol


Uh cool :stuck_out_tongue: hahahaha hope yhis goess well

Because you don’t need an email for the forum, just a Pretendo Network acc.


Probably forgot to hide the email too, Discourse does have an option to hide it and I saw that being used on Citra forums and Roblox DevForum.

discourse will take over the discord frfr

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les go miiverse forums are here


Yoooo sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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Oh ok, I guess that’s just something that needs to be filled in for Discourse then.

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rugchbniudhgkmxyrskc Hi guys!

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The @invalid.com emails are intentional. Discourse requires unique email addresses per user, but Pretendo does not due to Nintendo also allowing emails to be reused on multiple accounts. So we just fake a unique email using your accounts unique PID. Anyone can find a users PID by checking the NNAS API with the users username (it’s all public information) so it was the best choice for faking these unique emails


Nice to see that Pretendo has a Discourse Server, I first joined Nintendo Network when the New 3DS models came out in Australia back in 2014, I was depressed to hear the news when Nintendo Pulled the plug on the Original Servers, but I am glad that we have Pretendo Network replacing the servers. But there are some servers that aren’t complete yet, I was hoping that they take some time and they make good progress. :slight_smile:


This is actually really cool. Great work!

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New Commit,and I can access directy! I wish there was a way to translate the interface into Chinese so it would be more friendly to my friends.


I take it back :c

Discourse = :sadge:

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It honestly sucks that helpers in the Discord have met it with so much opposition. I think this is honestly the best way forward and it’ll be more accessible to those who don’t want to use Discord. It’s a million times better being able to search a public forum if something isn’t working correctly.

I much prefer using a forum to Discord and it also has a different environment in a way which allows me to write more profreshional answers.

I am in contact with some of the team regarding some improvements anyways, I promise it will be a better experience to navigate soon!

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I haven’t been keeping up, what opposition? What issues do people have?

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I think people just find it easier to navigate a Discord server, I heard complaints about the UI when it initially launched etc.

I’m currently transcribing lyrics but I see if I can fish some examples up


(I also encountered this, I have made both you and pinklimes aware of this via the group chat)




Probably much more than just this. I think this is frankly people unfamiliar with the whole forums atmosphere.


It’s not specifically about easy of use…

In my eyes, it’s about general “customer satisfaction”.

With the forum, if people (Support Helpers, Moderators, etc.) don’t check it regularly, then questions can go unanswered for hours at a time. I personally take pride in speedy and effective responses, even if they can be lengthy and receive the loving “I ain’t reading allat” gifs. But here…I feel useless. You don’t know if the user has read your response or what issues they’re having, specifically, if they aren’t reacting in real-time through either reactions or other verbal ways of explaining.

The forum isn’t that difficult (for me, who has very little experience with forums) to navigate on desktop (mobile is another story), but it’s the lack of feeling like you’re actually helping. It feels significantly less like talking to a real person and more like talking to a robot. “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” It’s something we can light-heartedly joke about on the Discord server, while still giving what I believe to be quality service, but here, there’s no room for that. The Discord is like a one-on-one personal call with people who can help you, while this feels like you’re being redirected to an automated message bot that parrots fixes that may not be applicable and will never know if your issue was ever solved.

Even with the locking of posts for specific error codes, someone’s problem being solved might not have occurred with all of the possible fixes for that particular error. So when a post gets locked, someone could try the singular solution and it doesn’t fix their problem, so they can’t really do anything about it in the future, unless someone is able to append the thread with additional solutions. One of the things we get the most is connection errors with Splatoon. Well, there are, like 6 different things you can check and try before you’re out of luck and just have to wait for the servers to stop being overloaded. In addition, with the temporary outage of SSSL, when we tell people that here, that stays forever… people in the future could come and see that SSSL is down, when really it’s alive and well, but maybe the DNS changed and they didn’t realise it. It doesn’t give a lot of room for error or corrections like a Discord thread and announcement channel, where you can actively apologise for the confusion and error and correct it with the proper information.

I know there was a lot of discourse about the public ban appeals on here, and that’s another topic entirely. On the one hand, it goes against people’s privacy, but on the other hand, what does it matter if you didn’t cheat and had nothing to hide? However it would also junk up the web searches when people are looking up information about Pretendo as ban appeals increase and error code reporting decreases. All new people would see is the ban appeals and they may either think that Pretendo is littered with cheaters, that it’s in secure in some way, or that a lot of false bans are unjustly being handed out. It caused a several-hour long discussion in Pretendo-General and Offtopic, where the same points were echoed over and over again. I am indifferent to this matter, but it is definitely something to be considered going forward.

Another thing I personally noticed, there is no way to delete a Pretendo Forum account or deactivate it, likely because it’s tied directly or is your Pretendo Network account. This can be a security concern for some individuals if Discourse has some form of data leak in the future. It’s not unlikely, however, it should not be confused with fear mongering. It’s a legitimate concern of some individuals. Right now, as far as I have last heard, the Discord moderators are not able to moderate the Discourse forum because of security concerns with the way Discourse as a service handles user data (I won’t go into any more specifics). Jon is working on fixing that particular issue, but security is a huge concern for the more tech-savvy individuals who don’t like their user data being exposed in certain ways by certain organisations.

Initially, I thought that the Discourse could been a good tool for catching cheaters in the online games (right now, primarily Splatoon and Mario Kart 7), but unfortunately the names are the users’ PNIDs, with the “email” being the users’ PID. Had the username been the Mii name and the search function be able to search users by Mii name and PNID, then the fourm could have served as a good way to check who is cheating in a particular game, instead of the current method on the Wii U, where a user has to go to Friends, then Recently Played With. 2/3DS currently doesn’t have a method of finding a player’s PNID or PID without incredibly invasive tools, so the forum’s use as a player-lookup-table could serve useful, if it’s possible to do so in the future, although players with glitched, hacked, or otherwise impossible Mii names would not be able to be discovered through this player-based anti-cheat method.

I apologise for such a long statement, but those are my complete opinions on the Pretendo Forum. I highly prefer the Discord support channels and people’s questions in the Pretendo-General channel, comparatively. Thank you for your time.


You can enable push notifications and you can be notified of a new threads creation in a forum, it’s in the pinned “Welcome to Discourse” post which I can’t edit at the moment (working on getting that fixed, it’s annoying default Discourse settings).

I get what you mean, but usually forums are the way to get support for stuff. The now defunct emulator, Citra, used a Discourse forum for users to get support with it and I’m guessing that went fine. Users can indicate that they read your response with a like or if Pretendo adds the reactions plugin, a reaction.

I think that might also be related to the different environment, forums make you act more professional and make you think more about your responses, meanwhile you can have some fun with your responses on Discord.

That’s technically up to the staff to lock posts, I’m fairly sure they don’t have any automatic locking/unlocking system in place. Keeping them open would be best in my opinion.

That could be solved as a marked solution to a post saying that it’s back up or something. Pretendo does have issues in their GitHub regarding adding server status which might make it more clear.

I do vaguely recall seeing some of that. I have already proposed a solution to @pinklimes and @PN_Jon which might be better implementing.

Have seen that outside here on Roblox DevForum too. I was alerted to Pretendo not having an actual privacy policy apparently (that is easily accessible), which is probably more alarming than this at the moment.

Sorry for the lengthy reply! Might be best if a moderator splits this into a DM with some of us and developers.


I would like to be clear, my comments were mostly in jest. Someone had posted an image or said something jokingly about going to the underworld and I replied with “Anywhere but the Forum”. I apologise for not using tone indicators or emojis. I don’t hate the Forum, but I do dislike it.

Most of those other screenshots, specifically from AirCookieee and RISC-VLIW were regarding a controversy we had been talking about the day before and earlier that day.

HollowOwl’s image was in regards to the Discourse-imposed limit on replies (10 replies), which Jon tried to change shortly prior.

LucidDream’s comment was…harsh…but really nothing to do with the current state of the forum.

As I expressed late (for me) last night, I won’t be using Discord for a little while at all (no DMs, no Pretendo Discord, no updates, nada) for a little while, as the forum has made me quite sad. That being said, I will exclusively be using the forum until I return to Discord, so my opinions may change in the future, and I may be able to convince some of the other supporters of the forum’s use and practicality.