Hi, I made an account and tried to connect my New 3DS XL but I feel as if something went sideways in the process. I’m unable to properly sign in to change my PNID settings (error 022-2402 when I try to sign in, regardless of what language my console is set to), and when I go to get my friend code, it’s all ?s and I get the error 002-0150. I did get an error while initially linking my PNID immediately after the Mii selection stage but I was too focused on finishing the process to record what it was, and I’m unsure how to clear my PNID from my 3DS at this stage in order to try the linking process again.
Did you create the account on the Pretendo page and then on your console did you use the option to link an account? Please tell me so I understand.
Sorry yes, I created an account on the Pretendo page, then tried to link the account on my console.