

Yes, all of the Pretendo Network servers are open-source on GitHub: Pretendo Network · GitHub. The development team does not currently have any plans to host servers in China due to the unknown legal complications of doing that, but it is possible for you to host your own Pretendo server.

I also have a partially completed self-hosting setup available at GitHub - MatthewL246/pretendo-docker: An unofficial Docker Compose setup for self-hosting a Pretendo Network server..

(Google Translated)
是的,所有 Pretendo Network 服务器都是 GitHub 上的开源服务器:Pretendo Network · GitHub 。由于未知的法律复杂性,开发团队目前没有在中国托管服务器的计划,但您可以托管自己的 Pretendo 服务器。

我还有一个部分完成的自托管设置,可在 GitHub - MatthewL246/pretendo-docker: An unofficial Docker Compose setup for self-hosting a Pretendo Network server. 上找到。

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