Tomodachi life spotpass feature

Hey! Does anyone know if pretendo will bring back the spotpass for tomodachi life? Like the way you can get a traveller to send you a letter or come visit you, that would be nice especially since now we got netpass/streetpass relay!


I dont know but in juxt we made a polemic about a tomodachi life comunitty!
C’mon give it to us!

Be patient.

It’ll be supported eventually I assume, we don’t have any ETAs though.


I believe travelers coming to your island does actually work! I use StreetPass Relay and sometimes Netpass to gain the travelers.

To show proof of this happening, I have been sent the same travelers multiple times through this method.

But, if you are talking about your own home-grown travelers sending back letters to their home island, that for me has not happened yet, so I cannot confirm this right now that the feature completely works.

I have only sent one home-grown traveler from my island, that being the Mii presented in this image, specifically referred by his name:

I don’t have any 3DS friends at the moment, but when I did have someone added, they were sending Travellers and I wasn’t getting them lol

Items are also distributed via SpotPass too

However, I’ve had this happen to me as well. If you send a Mii off from StreetPass Relay, over a course of days that Mii MAY come back, BUT it won’t utilize the SpotPass features and interaction, the Mii will just turn right back to the docks after boats are finished dropping off supplies and/or travelers. It’s happened quite a lot until I decided to send the Mii off via NetPass

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Hi, sorry for the late respone ^^ It appears that the function of the letters/travelers coming to visit their parents feature is an internet thing and apparently they are working on it so it will come back when they are over :slight_smile:


Yo epic can’t wait! :smiley: