Region change question

hello, l have a question so is there a way to change your region on pretendo? from the wrong region because l see people on pretendo that changed their region from Florida
to other places

Yes, but it may cause issues.

See this: Pretendo Network ID Settings App

Mine seems to show up as the correct region anyways on everywhere except Juxt so I feel like there’s no reason to change mine (eventually bothered to change mine to South West, UK and Europe/London timezone)

Why Juxtaposition (Miiverse) specifically?

I haven’t changed my account region but I only notice it being in the wrong region on Juxtaposition

MK8 shows United Kingdom, South West fine and I think MK7 did too so I’m honestly not really bothered

Can you CHANGE it on Juxtaposition?*

*Why call it that, anyway? What’s wrong with renaming it back to Miiverse?

Thank you I will read it and try it tonight :slight_smile:

But do you need to pay for the Bata severs for this or does it work with any severs?

It should work with any server

Thank you for your help I will try that at some point :slight_smile:

Juxt is a modern reimagining of Miiverse with new features and stuff. At least the name isn’t Piiverse or something lol


Ha! Well, no, but why the name “juxtaposition”? Is there a problem with the old name?

(yes, I know the meaning of the actual word all by itself; it means a contrast of things)

I’m not Jon Pretendo, but that sure is a good question. I like the name, though.

I see. Even though I’ve never used Miiverse a day in my life, I still think the name’s better and less confusing than “Juxtaposition”.

Everyone has their own preferences, and I respect that.

*I only typed out the alphabet to bypass the character limit.

The reason is that Juxtaposition is intended to “juxtapose” the original Miiverse because it’s not just another Miiverse clone. As @Kurumi.Erika said, it’s a reimagining of what Miiverse could be like in modern times.


Well, ok. But hypothetically, it could be called “The Cooler Miiverse” or something.

I think Piiverse is a better name than that (obviously a joke, please don’t be offended by this)

I don’t think it worked for me so I enter my information and then I hit submit then it goes back to the normal information before I submitted my information

Never mind it worked thank you