Splatoon 1 is currently experiencing error code 104-1255 on Pretendo Network. We don’t know why this is currently happening, but we’ll provide updates as soon as we know more information.
We know that this error started happening at 2024-12-24T15:01:00Z.
To see the current status, please visit PretendoStatus
(This might be a BOSS related issue rather than Splatoon 1, but I’ve labelled it as that for now. PretendoStatus does not report any issues for this but I’ve noticed a few people experiencing problems.)
Also worth adding that a new rotation is due to happen today, we’re currently on the last rotation of the old rotation (intended to be 24/12 14:00-16:00)
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New update from staff:
At 4pm GMT, I will be carrying out some maintenance on the BOSS (SpotPass) server in addition to loading the new Splatoon stage rotations.
This may take up to 2 hours, during this time functionality such as StreetPass Relay and Splatoon Stage rotations won’t work as expected
Thank you for your patience, and happy holidays!
(can’t even tag the developer here )
Issue should now be fixed and the new rotation should be applied.
Happy splatting!