"Official" Streetpass?

Could we have a set of “Official” streetpasses from pretendo, that could be opted in through a single friend code. With maxed out stats (owned and completed every plaza game, all puzzles, one from each region). I dont have freinds :cry: and i dont care to add people i dont know, especially with potential vulnerabilities. I doubt im alone, and this would give me something to collect.

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There’s a homebrew tool for this now called Netpass. You can get it through the Universal-Updater or from their gitlab!


What about people like me, who want to buy said plaza games (StreetPass Fishing, StreetPass Chef, StreetPass Zombies, StreetPass Garden, etc) the normal way - via the salesbunny?

What do you mean? This is just about streetpass, no buying involved.

It’s just that I’ve always regretted not buying any of the other StreetPass games in the plaza, thereby depriving the salesbunny of any further adventures (I completed StreetPass Quest in early January this year).

Ok, but thats unrelated to this thread.

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