Nimbus goes black


so when I start nimbus it has me to select what account do I want to load and I click pretendo. the screen goes black for like 15 seconds and goes back to the main screen where you can see the games. how do I fix this?

I’m fairly sure that’s normal behaviour. If I recall correctly, your 3DS will restart when you switch accounts.

Can you confirm when reopening Nimbus that you’re now connected to Nintendo/Pretendo?

I moved your thread to Support since it doesn’t fit the criteria for Technical Discussion.


when I open it back up, it shows this so i’m not really sure. sorry i’m new to this

That seems normal, I assume you wanted to connect to Pretendo? If that’s the case, then you don’t need to do anything else, you’re connected to Pretendo Network.

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so where do I go to after that?

nvm I actually got it! thank you!! :upside_down_face:

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Glad to have helped you :smile: