My friend code just changed (2ds)

my 2ds friend code just changed for no reason and ive lost ALL MY FRIEND (37)

can i get my friends back???

and how did it happend???

my old is 0532-5141-0297

and my new is 1737-9983-1973

Can you tell me whether you’ve just started using Pretendo Network? Pretendo Network uses a different friend code to your Nintendo Network profile, but all your friends are still there on your Nintendo Network profile.

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no the old friend code (0532-5141-0297 )is from pretendo.

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Do you know whether anything unusual happened?

Just out of interest, if you open something like Miiverse, do you get an error code of any sort (015-5015 or 022-5432 in particular)?

i just realised my server was from nintendo

after changeing my nintendo to pretendo it worked my bad i was to fast