Minor servor login issues

After, yesterday. Ive noticed pretendo on my wii-u saying I’ve had to many failed login attempts. Which, Im auto signed in on my wii-u. So this is rather odd.

Maybe, its because I used the name SrWolfODonnel first. An someone also tried to use the same account name. But, cant login. Because, my password would make there password no longer work. Since, pretendo would assume there account is my account for some reason. Resulting in failed login errors.

I really hope this issue gets resolved soon.

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same thing happening to me, password keeps saying incorrect even though it was working fine like a week ago idk why

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Same! It’s so weird
I even tried to make another account, it worked fine for only like 5 minutes​:sob::sob:

Sounds vague and unlikely to get any responses now