Minecraft wii u any good?

just curious if I should get or nah

I don’t really have an opinion of the Wii U edition of Minecraft, since I haven’t played that one.
However, there is a rating on Opencritic to compensate!

I think the Wii U version of Minecraft has a bit of exclusive content compared to other editions. I haven’t played it myself and I don’t know a lot about it though.

I’d watch reviews from the time to make an informed decision.

Should this be moved to Off-Topic Stuff?

Discussing the Pretendo services to help fix a video game is perfectly fine, but discussing opinions about the video game itself doesn’t match the general purpose of this forum. :video_game:

I really don’t think this needs to be moved. It’ll just get buried in that thread and I can see a point for this thread to exist.

Not trying to be annoying, but what is the purpose you thought?

This thread can allow people to discuss what they like about Minecraft on Wii U compared to other versions.


To quote @piplupness

“Oh you are not wrong on this one ngl.”

This forum does talk about the 3DS and Wii U as one of it’s goals, so again, you are not wrong.

Oh when is Minecraft putting more players back on the servers?

It’s in beta right now.