Minecraft Wii U allows for 2 Player games only

Minecraft Wii U edition now has online support. But there’s a bug that only allows for servers up to 2 players? Whenever I join one I get error code 118-0502. I’m running Pretendo without subscriptions on Aroma. Is there a way around this?

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This is a known bug and will be fixed soon.

So my friends and i found a work around for that.

Basically if you want 3 person in the same world

  • you - friend 1 - friend 2

The first friend need to join the world.
Leave it.

Second friend join quickly after.

First friend join back.

Here you go you got 3 person in the same world.

Same thing apply for more than 3 player.

I recommend doing allat while being in a voice call as it’s better to give the ready up signal.

Here is also a picture of it working with a few players.

Giving the what signal?

I’d assume they mean telling the other friends when to leave and join.

Ah, ok.
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