Mario kart 8 and bowser crashs sometimes

some time my wii u crashed some times in mario kart 8 same thing for the bowser idk maybe a bug

true my wii u dose that

Mario kart 8 only crashes if you try to play custom matches, tap on a duplicate friend that has no name from the friends tab or even try to play friend matches aka private matches or tournaments which the last 2 may not crash but they are unstable for the time being. Worldwide and regional don’t have issues there so those options are stable. And never heard of the browser crashing for no reason. Are you trying to run an exploit?


I am using that but the internet bowser when I play a video the Wii U crash when I went to google and play a video last time it work but I tried
The Wii U just crash

That doesn’t seem to be related to Mario Kart 8? It’s possible that the browser is struggling to load the video


This post seems very vague anyways, could OP add more details or I’ll close this?