It says my pnid is taken

When I try to link my pnid on the 3ds it says it is taken. I tried 3 separate accounts and they all don’t work. I even checked to see if the username I was about to use was taken it said it wasn’t. But the second I typed in the pnid to the 3ds it says it was taken. I have an old 3ds xl if that helps

Are you making a new account or linking an existing one? You’re probably trying to make a new account when you want to link an existing one

I’m making a new account. Linking an existing account doesn’t work either

this happened to me aswell but i managed to fix it.
Basically, if you have a nintendo account signed into your nintendo server and then switch to the pretendo serevr and try to sign into the same account it wont work.
What worked for me was going onto the nintendo server and deleting the account (this shouldnt delete anything but im not sure), and then changing to the pretendo server and linking to that existing account.
This is what worked for me and now i can use all pretendo things normally.

  1. What if I never had a Nintendo network account
  2. Will making an account with a different email work

I wouldn’t personally recommend the advice mentioned to delete your Nintendo Network account anyways

Your email shouldn’t matter anyways.

Just to check, what error code do you get when linking your account? I should have asked this earlier on

I get error code 022-2402 I also get an email by pretendo saying to confirm my email but when I click on the link in the email it says it isn’t available

That isn’t an issue with your PNID being taken then. Can you check whether you get an error code in the friends list?

I do not get an error code in the friends list

Change language on your console and attempt to sign into your PNID.

(p.s. I’ve made a detailed page for this EC at Error code 022-2402 [ErdbeerbaerLP's Wiki])

That doesn’t work either but maybe that’s because I’m using a different username

Never mind it worked

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