as some one who has used juxt and kinda break it, is it that bad?
Juxt is still in development.
I don’t know what you mean by this.
But I actually like Juxt. It’s a little slow, but that’s everything on the Wii U and 3DS! I find the UI a little odd, but quick to get used to. Replies are a bit annoying, though.
How did you break it?
@DoxDisc, @ibrahim_99161 broke it in what sense?
@DeletedAccount it has been 5 months since the last post here, and the person you’re replying to isn’t active on the forum. There was really no need for the reply and thread bump. Please stop pointlessly bumping old threads.
I should add that we’re not generally against bumping old threads when they’re relevant and/or there’s new information to add (i.e. “I’m still having this issue and the proposed solution didn’t work” in support threads). Sometimes an older thread is the most relevant place to post something, but please make sure that it’s substantial.
yeah ngl I not that active on the forum the only time I use it is where I’m broad and just read some of the posts I just don’t understand why this user is always in every post
Well, hello
I don’t want to be a toxic guy or bad but Juxt has some annoying bugs and if you’re in 3DS be prepared to the same experience as Cyberpunk 2077 in day launch. But you need to know that Pretendo needs to give support also a lot of games. For example rverse a popular miiverse clone that shut down only needed to give support to well rverse. Pretendo at the other hand is Juxt plus a lot of games. So Juxt is NOT bad is only in development. Be happy that a miiverse clone exists because Aquamarine and rverse shut down. So the best thing you can do is wait until Juxt is totaly ready.
A random bug in 3DS is that when you use Juxt like for 20 minutes it just collapses and you need to restart Juxt. Other random bug is that when you want to publish a post in a community with a long name is that just moving the circle pad to the right it shows a little bit of blue in the right side. Other random thing that is actually not annoying is that if you press an image it says “Message of the site” and a random link of Juxt. And there are more like when you want to publish an image you cant but when you are in the game (in this example) The Legend Of Zelda Tri Force Heroes you can. And more things are still in development.