Incorrect password every time

I have installed pretendo correctly, it says that I am using pretendo when I turn on my console, but every time i try to enter my password for pretendo when it asks me to, it says it’s incorrect. help

Are you actually on your Pretendo Network account?

On my console? no, why?

Use your Pretendo Network profile and your password should work correctly


Joined as I am having the same issue. Just installed Aroma and then Pretendo. When I turn on the console, it says it is accessing Pretendo. But it then simply says “enter password”, without asking me to enter a Pretendo user ID. I assume it is using the old Nintendo ID, but even though I enter what I’m sure is the Nintendo ID password, I get an incorrect password error? How can I use my Pretendo Network profile on the WiiU? Thx!

Yeah, it’s using your Nintendo Network ID. Are you able to deny entering in a password?

If you are able to, create a new profile with your Pretendo credentials and it should work.

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So on the Wii U, create a new user, and do so using the Pretendo ID/password?

…and of course I used the same user ID as I have on my WiiU. Argh.

Yeah, your PNID can’t be the same as your existing NNID.

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i had the ssame problem, made a new account and it works flawlessly

Is it possible to change my PNID after the fact? When I try to, it tells me I need to do it on the console, but I’m not able to log in to the console!

Unfortunately, there’s no way to change your PNID username. The only way is to create a new account.