I'm having issues setting up my PNID on my 3DS system

I have tried reinstalling nimbus and reallocating the luma files as well and it is still giving me this issue. I do not have any error codes during the process and when I am at my home screen the internet is working just fine. Also I did test my wifi connection settings and it is working just fine. Not sure what is going on or how to fix it, pls help!

Try deleteing your connection and recreating it

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Well that worked and allowed me to actually start setting it up but then I got the error 022-2402

It’s because of a bug with pretendo passwords.

Also when it asks me for my NNID during the process am I supposed to put in the PNID I have with Pretendo? Because I’m in the process of redoing it and it tells me that it’s already in use.

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Yes you need to use your PNID and make sure the PNID does not have the same name as your NNID

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Ok I must’ve been putting in the wrong information because I was able to link it. Thanks for the help you guys!

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Nothing bro always here to help