If I upgrade my account, will I be able to play Splatoon on SSSL?

If I upgrade my account, will I be able to play Splatoon on SSSL?

upgrading your account will allow you to also access beta servers, but yeah you’ll still be able to play splatoon with sssl (I dont use it so idk if it works)

SSSL is not currently functional at this time, but it is being actively looked at an worked on as we speak.

No, it’s broken for all users.

Best thing you can do is mod your console at the moment.


There’s a pinned thread about this: Splatoon project sssl not working

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Also, to note, Splatoon is Public right now; it’s not in closed testing. Thus you don’t need to donate.

We are currently having issues with SSSL at this time, and these will be looked into and resolved promptly.

Upgrading your account will not fix this. Please do not donate solely to try and access Splatoon over SSSL again - it will not improve things.

If you feel comfortable, it may be wise to setup Aroma and use Pretendo that way, instead. (see our setup guide!)

I am now going to close this topic; thank you for playing on Pretendo, and we hope to get this fixed for you so you can be back online ASAP!