I messed up please help

I had a Nintendo account waaayyy back and lost all the info to it so fast forward to me making this account on the same name before I watched any tutorials (buddy set it up for me) is there any way I can switch my account name?, and if not could I just create a new account and have a dev transfer my Super Mario rank over?

A little more explanation. I signed in and bought the super Mario for beta servers (X/Y and OR/AS) and it wont even let me connect to the servers. I believe the section above is why but I could be wrong lol, like I said please help lol

Just create a new account. I’m not sure whether you can have your perks transferred over, but I can check for you.

Your friend code needs to be whitelisted, that’s probably the issue.

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How do I go about white listing or just make a new account? I literally just bought it so I don’t wanna have to re buy it, ok it’s only 10 but it’s still 10 lol

You should be able to whitelist your friend code in this thread.

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Update: no, this is unfortunately not possible because Stripe subscriptions cannot be transferred between users.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: 3DS Friend Code Whitelisting for Testing Servers