I’m Getting an error code 101 0700 on my friend list

Hi guys

I’m getting error code ending with 101-0700 on my friend list I don’t know if it’s down or what.

I notice that code since I turned on my wii u this morning.

Can you help me.

por lo que note, use 2 nintendo 3ds vinculadas a pretendo y me sale el mismo error que a ti

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You have wii u or ds cause this issues???

tengo una 3ds, la otra me la presto mi pareja para instalarle juegos, ambas consolas presentan tu mismo problema

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Translate in English

My internet connection are working fine yesterday and today I don’t know if it’s the server down or is it something else

I think devs are updating the servers

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You have same issues as me on my wii u.
When did you notice greenmout.

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@Armani64 people can’t login to pretendo network

Oh how long does it take to get back to normal

Dunno,I think It’ll took not too long.

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Maintenance was done on Juxt earlier but that finished at 3:05am.

(also are you really ban evading again???)

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I think they are probably changing something because me and other people got the same problem with the sssl connection. We cant enter our credentials so i think they are trying to remove this issue


I have a feeling that he is Anton creating a new account

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From @PN_quarky on Discord @ 11:16am:

“We are aware of and are investigating an issue with connecting to Friends and other network services”

Considering this is outage related, this should now be resolved. Please see: