I can't get past the "What account do you want to load?"

I’ve just installed Pretendo to my New 2DS XL, and I’ve gotten to the “What account do you want to load?”, if I press either Pretendo or Nintendo, the app turns black and brings me back to my home screen.

Do you know the cause of this?

Are you sure that both “Enable game patching” and “Enable loading external FIRMs and modules” are enabled in Luma3DS settings?

It’s supposed to turn black and bring you back to your home screen. If you check Nimbus again after that happens, you should notice that you’re now loaded in the profile that you selected.


Mine does the same thing, but when I look at the Nimbus again, it’s still connected to the Nintendo Network, help please!!!

It is perfectly normal when it goes black its setting up the account code for the pretendo/nintendo acct
When when u use also you need to link your pretendo Id just like setting up a nintendo id account if you are using pretendo then try playing a online game like mk7 or zelda tri heroes