How has Minecraft: Wii U Edition been treating you?

On Jan 3, some new testing changes went live to try and improve Minecraft: WIi U Edition’s connection stability. I’ve been keeping an eye on the community but nobody has mentioned any errors or any improvement :sweat_smile:

So, it’s been a week, how is it? Have the 118- errors lightened up a bit or do you still end up being unable to connect?

Note that Minecraft: Wii U Edition is still friends only and will remain that way for the near future. Also note the scheduled restarts are still going, though I don’t think they should matter anymore - aside from kicking everyone off during the restart.

How often do you encounter 118- errors when playing Minecraft: Wii U Edition?
  • Errors all the time (I can’t play)
  • Errors frequently (every play session)
  • Errors sometimes
  • Errors rarely
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Definitely frequent errors. At least once every session the thing disconnects from “Nintendo network”. Also I can very rarely join anyone else’s worlds unless they’re the only person on that world. Also without the weekly server restart thing I don’t think anyone would be able to ever play so definitely improving!

(And I have been able to host many people on my smp so it’s not all bad)

As Wisdomia said, frequent errors, but on a few rare occasions i have gotten to play the game without one so I go with errors sometimes.

Anyone who says this doesn’t have errors or errors rarely, is either lying or is the chosen one.

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It seems to have gotten worse as I have been disconnected 3 times in an hour

Seems to have worked fine for me. I get a few 118 errors related to losing connection to the session (118-0551) but that only happened once.