How does streetpass relay work? >◇<

i installed pretendo 2 days ago and i found out like ten minutes ago theres like a streetpass relay thing where you can streetpass people on your friends list and like??? does it just happen when u have pretendo or do i need to download something???

all this homebrew stuff is all pretty new to me and i have no idea how anything works @□@

Moved your post from Technical Discussion to General. (Moderators, I apologize if this has been moved to the wrong forum)

Streetpass Relay is a feature allowing you to streetpass people on your friends list, no matter how far away they are.

When you go into Sleep Mode while connected to Pretendo servers, any friends that are online will streetpass you using Streetpass Relay.

If you would rather get real streetpasses, I’m sorry, but the only way to disable Streetpass Relay is to switch back to Nintendo in Nimbus.

The only thing you need to download is Nimbus on your 3DS (which I assume you have already).

Forgot to mention the feature originated from Nintendo Zone.


ohh okay thats good to know!! i wasnt sure if i had to set something up or not xp

i have nimbus downloaded n stuff and i have netpass as well, so ig that covers all the bases? :>

i live in a nothing town and only ever got like 2 streetpasses a month and that was back when everyone had a ds, so i highly doubt id get a real streetpass in this day and age :upside_down_face:

thanks so much for the clarification!!


It happens when not in Sleep Mode too and even with offline friends. Every time I launch Super Mario Maker my 3DS has the green light while it’s reading my SD card data.

Interesting, I think it usually only triggers in Sleep Mode though. Surprised to see it trigger earlier in System Settings in sleep mode though for me!

For me it usually happens in both. Usually on the HOME menu, but sometimes when starting games or apps.

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