How does Pretendo on Wii U's user system work?

I only use 3DS pretendo right now but I kinda want to try it on Wii U as well with the same PNID and everything. But I wonder, will it just link my PNID to the same user I use on nintendo network, or will I have to create a new user, with different save data and stuff? Anyways, I don’t actually have many Wii U games, so i should probably first get games that actually use online.

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You have to make a new user, and link the PNID to that IIRC.
Keep in mind that Pretendo on Wii U only works with Aroma custom firmware. or use SSSL.

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What do you mean it only works with Aroma?

You can use Pretendo unmodded but the features are limited.

He mentioned SSSL (20 characters)

That was later edited in lol. On your new profile, if you want to transfer save data, you need to use SaveMii.

I’m pretty sure the Wii U games didn’t actually have user-specific save data, though. I have barely any Wii U games, so little, I should actually get more before using pretendo. the only games i really have are nintendo land, pikmin 3 (which i haven’t really played yet) and the infamous animal crossing amiibo festival. oh and i also have a few digital games but none of those use online features except two of them that used to use miiverse.


Yeah, probably not worth transferring data in that case but I’d still recommend it.