Friend Code Exchange for Yokai Watch 1/2/3

@mosiuwu @coelhoBravo added you! Will be adding more people on this forum soon

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I added you! FC: 2501-8898-9640

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Added you :smile: (filling out the limit so i can reply right now)

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I know not many people look at this topic but here is my friend code 2975 7687 8721 i mostly play blasters if pretendo supports blasters i have a modded white dog squad game and a non modded red cat corps game if you see me playing the modded one make sure you have the blasters++ mod and the lastest version of it (random note i should have said assuming it does get support mods and hack are not allowed unless it is a private lobby the “lobby” you will see will be a friend only lobby)

Is it too late to join in? Lol


And my name is Izzie :3

Added my fc is 2975 7687 8721

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Now that blasters is supported if you are a beta tester you can play blasters so im gonna get beta roll soon and play blasters so here is my fc if you want to play it with me 2975-7687-8721 (small note mods are allowed on pretendo as long as it is in private when private lobbys get added i will play blasters++ just to clarify that is a mod on game banana but until then i will be playing unmodded blasters on red cat corps)

Yo-kai watch is dead rn lol fr fr has not been a new reply here in forever lol