Friend Code Exchange for Yokai Watch 1/2/3

added u 1346-3488-1212.

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added u 1346-3488-1212…

Added! Please add me :smiling_face:

Added! Please add me :smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Added! Please add me :slightly_smiling_face:

Your code, please?
(20 characters)

They posted their code above earlier

@Bellatrix500 also in the future, instead of replying to every post saying you’ve added the user, just tag them in a post with your FC


"@discobot @system

I’ve added you. Please add me back, my friend code is 0123-4567-8901"

Did my code not work for you?

Just added you back!!!

My friend code- 0919-4966-8668 and name is “Keedle”

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Hi my code friends: 0060-8501-9278
My names:ANTONIO

Have all of these people in this group added me as a Friend code? The last time I joined this group I added everyone from here on my 3DS, but my console’s system is waiting for someone to confirm my Friend code.


Pls add me toooooooooooooo! I play YKW 1-2 and later 3. 4652-0794-7134 name: “Titoo”

thx, muito obrigado!:star_struck:

Looking for some friends my FC is 1987-1836-5885 my mii name is Alex I basically just started to use pretendo

@mosiuwu @Kurumi.Erika
Hi ! I added you, my ID is Karuba and my friend code is 4008-9453-6589.
If someone wants to add me feel free !

@Bellatrix500 @starfruitjuice
Hi ! I added you, my ID is Karuba and my friend code is 4008-9453-6589.
If someone wants to add me feel free !

Sorry, but I won’t be able to get to your friend request right now as I’ve been having issues with my 3DS.
I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I promise I’ll get to friending you soon!

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My Friend code is 2975 7687 8721 name should be “Fire bee” mainly play blasters do dabble in ykw 2 alot

@karuba added you name is Fire bee friend code is 2975 7687 8721

Added you! Fc: 2501 8898 9640 (Name should be under Puni)
Mainly playing YKW 3 but I’m also playing ykw1 and 2 (maybe even blasters!)