Friend Code Exchange for Mario Kart 7

Added you and @Derekucho2011 to my friends list.

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I added you @Derekucho2011 add me back pls 2116 6755 9494

I play MK7 and Tri Force Heroes

[moderator note: removed duplicate post]

I added u come play pls

What is your code pls

Couldn’t this be a DM instead of messaging publicly?

my code is 1046 6346 7410

hey ryan ,you can add me? my code is 1046 6346 7410

im done, add me back 0618-5071-6603

Should we play a private or public room?

Ok, keep in mind I still have my Halloween Mii.

communication error :frowning:

I’m stuck on this screen. (I got a communication error)

Should I just reboot the system?

No, I’m still stuck on “Please wait…”.

I’ve been on this screen for a few minutes now…

How should I restart?

  • Rosalina Menu
  • Power OFF then ON
0 voters

O_o I went to turn it off via the power menu and it’s crashed now…

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Is the race going on, because I can’t join your lobby.

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im lowkey happy people still play the 3ds to this day. my Pretendo FC is 4780-0333-4597 ! im on everyday still !

Mii name is Sam and my friend code is 4699-2012-5624

I added you @ryanpretendo @LustSin

My code is (4699-2012-5624) if you friended me just reply with your friend code and I’ll freind you back