Flipnote studio 3d suport

[Staff note: This post was supposed to be a reply to @Juanjo’s post, which is the original post that started this topic, but the order is incorrect due to a mistake while moving posts. Sorry about that.]

That falls under piracy, if you didn’t get the software in time you can’t anymore, sorry.

Man, it would be great to add support for flipstudio 3d for those of us who couldn’t download the program back in the day and can’t use the kaeru gallery service.

I’m not sure whether it would be in the scope for Pretendo support, I’m not sure how exactly it worked but I know the original used Hatena servers.

Edit: looked more in depth into this and maybe this would be in the scope for Pretendo support but the online looks Japan only to me

I honestly agree with the revival of the Flipnote Studio 3D’s online network by Pretendo.

The original Flipnote Hatena is alive and well w/ Sudomemo, but Kaeru’s “revival” of the online service for FS3D is as usable as a bricked console.

And there has been work done on reverse-engineering the way it worked, because one of the Miiverse clones I was on featured a way to post your Flipnotes from FS3D by using their patches and entering a special code in the thing that loaded instead of the online service.

Extra fun fact: Hatena is still running an online social media/posting board with a similar system to what Flipnote Hatena used, but sadly everything is in Japanese over there. https://hatena.ne.jp


I got it legally off of My Nintendo, as did many others. So, I still think a Flipnote 3D revival is a great idea. It could also bring in a lot more donations. Hopefully some day it’s on the table. Kaeru isn’t the greatest.