(fixed...?) Error: 001-0502

Error X01-0502 [ErdbeerbaerLP’s Wiki]


What if you buy a non crappy internet so it gives you a better connection?
I cant recommend as we dont have same companies on spain and USA sorry.

The issue randomly fixed itself after I shut off my Wii U. Is the Wii U interfering with my 2DS?

Not everyone has that option anyways. I don’t think that’s a solution since people don’t always have an option.

I’m in a city with 130K population (according to the 2021 census) and my options are basically ADSL from Openreach (BT, Sky, TalkTalk), HFC from Virgin Media (which is what we’re currently using) or 4G/5G internet (which would be questionable quality to say the least given that my Three signal isn’t that strong, O2 is stuck on overcapacity LTE 800 + 2100, EE constantly has issues here etc).

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