Erros code 022-5432 3ds pnid login

So i homebrewed my 2ds but it gives me an error while trying to sync
can i have help please i installed nimbus and selected pretendo
Thank you

Is your PNID the same as your NNID? It won’t work if it is the same.

Don’t know what the error code responds to unfortunately

No i did not have linked a nnid before

because i reseted the console

anyways how can i solve it to play online?

A PNID isn’t necessary to play online btw, it’s only necessary for Miiverse and a few other services

well for miiverse as i use it a lot

i already linked my pnid to my homebrewed wii u

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just wanna solve it to have full online potencial

i tried it again same thing

it wont let me sign in

  1. Nimbus
  2. Nintendo
  3. eShop
  4. Exit eShop
  5. Nimbus
  6. Pretendo
  7. Fixed. Log in with your PNID again

Noticed you dont have the NNID, you can skip the eShop part ig but try anyways


ok thx im gonna try rigth now

IT WORKED THX SO MUCH for helping me out