Error: 004-3003 Inazuma Eleven 3 Download Error

While I was playing an European origin game and trying to execute a download by Nintendo Network this error happened, is there something else I might do.

By executing a download, can you define it a bit for me? I’m not familiar with this game in particular.

Basically, there’s extra content like recruitable characters or key items that aren’t available untill you make the download. There’s a workarround on the NDS games where if you connect to an unlocked WI-FI and type a specific DNS, it let’s you download the content. Also I asked on the discord but nobody answered so i’ll ask here: Will the downloable content from games such as inazuma eleven or professor layton be available like the DS games? Or is it not possible?

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I imagine possibly? I’m not entirely sure whether Pretendo would host the content though.

I know in the case of Monster Hunter, MH OldSchool operate DLC servers.