Do Pokémon games work online?

Hi, I wanted to know if Pokémon games work with pretendo and if you can make trades and fight against other players.

Pokemon ORAS and XY are supported but currently available only for testers.

Check this wiki for an up-to-date games list:

Hi, thanks for answering, I wanted to know if these games will always be only for testers or if they could be public in the future, thanks for taking the time to answer.

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They will be public in the future, once the team decides they are functional and stable enough for a public release.

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Pokemon UltraMoon and UltraSun are not confirmed… that means that for the future there is a possibility that they will confirm that they will revive the Pokemon UM and US servers with pretendo ?

Yep, that’s correct. Reviving the games is planned.