Delete My Pretendo Network Account

I need help deleting my Pretendo Network account from my 3DS. It tells me that an error occurred while deleting it. :frowning:

@GamersInternatio Could you forward this on?

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¿Forward How?. I really need help

You don’t need to do anything right now. I’m waiting for the mentioned user, who is a moderator, to forward this to Jon, the lead developer of Pretendo.

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For future reference, you don’t need to DM me to get it forwarded on, I see practically every public post here.

I should also note that Jon isn’t the only person who handles this anymore!

Anyways, it’s been forwarded on.

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Actually, just a quick question.

Do you actually want the PNID deleted or do you just want to unlink your PNID from the 3DS?

If you do just want to unlink, I’ll cancel this request.

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I want to delete and unlink the Pretendo account please! And excuse the DMs, it won’t happen again.

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A post was split to a new topic: Question about cancelling subscription

I really need to delete and unlink my Pretendo account urgently, isn’t there a quick solution? Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please don’t create another topic.

I can ping staff, but we generally don’t delete things immediately (and legally, we have up to 30 days to delete an account).

If you want to unlink now, just follow these steps:

A post was split to a new topic: GDPR Erasure Request (2024-12-28 00:22)

A post was split to a new topic: GDPR Erasure Request (2024-12-31 20:17)

Thanks for using Pretendo Network.

Account is now deleted, pending forum anonymization by Matthew. Post is scheduled to delete on Monday at 8am GMT.