Could the staff delete my account please?

Hii could any of the pretendo staff delete my account?
I didn’t realise I couldn’t set my birthday/region on the website and would rather make another one on the ds itself.
Sadly I can’t manually delete it myself (it comes up with error code 005-4270 when I try to.)

I also want my account deleted but staff doesn’t respond on the forum and I get the same error as you on the console

you can modify account info now, if you update Inkay to the latest version.

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But when will it become a thing on the actual website itself?

Yeah, I know.

Pretty annoyed by this and I have contact with some staff but I don’t tend to hear anything.

@MatthewL246_PNID might be able to forward this on.

I only have a 3ds, I need Nimbus

I don’t want to do this but as an EU citizen I could bring GDPR Article 17 anytime.

I would prefer them just working on a way to delete the account from the website, then asking to force remove the account from gm9 (and anything that can do the same on Wii U)

I think this feature request might be worth looking at.

I’ve forwarded this thread on to Jon.

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This is incorrect, plenty of staff do check and respond here. And important threads are almost always quickly brought to the attention of developers internally

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Nothing so far with regards to data deletion has been out of compliance with GDPR. As per GDPR we have 1 month to respond to “Right to erasure” requests, which are also not required to have any sort of “delete data” button. Requests can be made in writing, such as these forums and via email, and we have a month to comply.

Both requested accounts have been handled.


And something will be done about the website where you can’t change your details, right? /genq*
*genuine question

You can change your details. You’ll never be able to change your username though.

On the website?
(20-character post etc)

Yes, both changing your account details and deleting accounts are planned features on the website.

Good. I hate this bit especially:

Can you also delete my account? Thanks!
You don’t have to have a delete data button but even Ubisoft does so…

This has been resolved.