Changing Pretendo Password

Hello, I tried registering an account and when I did I put in special characters for the password. So when I tried connecting it to my wii u I tried putting in the special character, and it wasn’t available to put in. So I tried changing the password but it said I have to connect it to my Wii U first before I can change the password. I just wanted to see if there was a way to change my password to be compatible with the
Wii U, Thanks :slight_smile:

The easiest way to fix this is to reset your password on the website.

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Which special characters were you able to use on the website but not on the console? There is a filter in place for these

As stated earlier, you can reset your password at

Both consoles should support these lists of characters: . , ' _ : ; ` \ / ( ) [ ] { } * " ~ & # ? ! @ | $ < > + - = ^ % alongside alphabetical characters and numerical characters.

However, the website currently allows you to input unsupported characters too. That should be changed eventually but I’d recommend looking at these issues:

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